Jianmin Dou Paintings

"Jianmin Dou, the artist as Nature Poet"

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About the Book: This 229-page book features the art of renowned Chinese artist Jianmin Dou (1929-2019). Color plates of both landscape and other types of painting are included.

Extensively illustrated and researched. Bilingual - English and Chinese.

Essays by Donna Edsall and Joseph Holmberg.

Hardcover. 13.25" x 10.37" x 2"

Published by Zanesville Museum of Art.
Library of Congress Control No.: 2009928962
ISBN: 978-0-615-28490-3

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Jianmin Dou Paintings

About Jianmin Dou

Jianmin Dou (1929-2019) is a renowned Chinese artist and art professor. Dou’s works provide a detailed record of beautiful scenery, imbued with the inner essence of nature. His early years were spent surrounded by mountains and forests, fostering in him a deep appreciation for nature. These elements are vividly depicted in his paintings. Dou’s artistic journey, spanning sixty years of college teaching, reflects his colorful and poetic life.

“He paints Truth for us and helps us understand nature and ourselves better. His paintings are truly visual poems standing silently before us and inviting us to enter Dou’s world and share the artist’s unified vision.” Dr. Donna Edsall.

“Fall Splendor of Hocking Hills” is a masterpiece by Professor Jianmin Dou. Oil on canvas, 48”x60”. A sense of peace and tranquility pervades this landscape painting. It captures the beauty of nature in all its glory and invites us to appreciate the simple yet profound pleasures of the natural world. The artist had integrated imaginative visions into the composition.

In photo: Professor Jianmin Dou (L) and the authors of two books about his art: Dr. Donna Edsall (M. "Unified Vision: The Art of Jianmin Dou" and "Jianmin Dou, the artist as Nature Poet") and Joseph Holmberg (R. "Jianmin Dou, the artist as Nature Poet")

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